The iPod Video Player: Another New Innovation To An Already

The iPod Video Player: Another New Innovation To An Already

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The iPod Video Player: Another New Innovation To An Already Innovative Device

The iPod is a portable digital media player designed and manufactured by Apple Computers. The standard iPod model stores media on a built in hard drive while the smaller iPod Shuffle and iPod nano uses flash memory. The iPod has became the world’s best selling digital audio player since its launch in 2001.

An IPod can play MP3, WAV, AAC/M4A, Protected AAC, AIFF, Audible audio book and Apple Lossless audio file formats. The fifth generation iPod can now play m4v and mp4 video files. With this addition, the iPod has become a complete multimedia player.

Apple designed the iPod to work with the iTunes media library software, which allows users to manage the music libraries on their computer and on their iPod. To add up to the excitement of its feature, users may also set a rating of up to five stars on any song. This will allow them to remember which ones they like or which ones have the best quality.

It also features some games for example the Parachute wherein the player controls a turret and attempts to shoot down paratroopers and the helicopters that released them. This game is similar to Apple II version of the game Sabotage by Mark Allen. Another is the solitaire, a simple card game that resembles the Klondike solitaire card game. There is also the Music Quiz, The game plays a portion of a random song and the player must identify it form the list of five. The faster the player had identified the song, the higher his score will be. No record is kept of the score and there is no limit 서든핵샵 to the amount of songs played. This is now possible because of the capabilities of the fifth generation of iPod to play videos.

For the meantime, the iPod video could only support MP4 and Mpeg4 video formats. So if you want to load videos to your iPod, you need to convert the videos first if they are not in the supported format yet. This is not a problem since there are many video converters and softwares available in the internet for download to do the job.

But with Apples dedication to keep the number one spot in the iPods segment in the market, it will be sure that the soon enough more innovations will be produced to allow more file formats to be played.

Now you will be able to share your videos and movies with many people easier than ever. You can also transfer files and videos from your office computer to your home computer and vice versa or to any computer.

You can bring your favorite music videos of your favorite artists anytime and anywhere. You can also load your favorite movies or your home movies as well. Take it with you to family reunions, parties and meeting up with long lost friends.

Need to have a bigger view? You can plug it into a television and see it in a bigger screen. With the right accessories, you can elevate the performance and capabilities of your iPod video. Hook it up with a special AV cable to your TV for a bigger view or you can hook it up in your car for battery charging and using the stereo system of your car. To listen to the audio of your movies better, you can plug them as well to a portable iPod speaker. Not only one person would be able to listen to the audio of your videos. The iPod video, a new evolution for Apples premiere product.

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